VenessaGold.: MVI_1776
VenessaGold.: MVI_1777
VenessaGold.: Science Center!
VenessaGold.: the boys LOVE pushing the stroller
VenessaGold.: I see you!
VenessaGold.: who's that?
VenessaGold.: Joe in a jail
VenessaGold.: "looking debonaire"
VenessaGold.: short legs
VenessaGold.: IMG_1705
VenessaGold.: helping
VenessaGold.: two boys
VenessaGold.: we're up here!
VenessaGold.: waiting in line for the bouncy house
VenessaGold.: water pump
VenessaGold.: chicken with dogpants
VenessaGold.: first colors
VenessaGold.: adding paint
VenessaGold.: waiting patiently
VenessaGold.: taking the paintings off