Saturnita.... Trying to find the magic:
Hoy tu amor...
Saturnita.... Trying to find the magic:
Me cago en el amor
Saturnita.... Trying to find the magic:
Saturnita.... Trying to find the magic:
Corazón Mojado
Saturnita.... Trying to find the magic:
Para que sirve...
Saturnita.... Trying to find the magic:
Lombriz Solitaria...
Saturnita.... Trying to find the magic:
pero al menos voy...
Saturnita.... Trying to find the magic:
Dialéctica del amo-R y el esclavo
Saturnita.... Trying to find the magic:
Sos Felíz sin mi?
Saturnita.... Trying to find the magic:
Victoria y Soledad
Saturnita.... Trying to find the magic:
No pensaba hacerlo