sataylor pix: Roger at the station
sataylor pix: Great blue and souvenirs
sataylor pix: Fur seal at the fish market
sataylor pix: Supply boats unloading
sataylor pix: Marine iguana on a bed of algae
sataylor pix: View from our first accommodation
sataylor pix: Beak of the finch
sataylor pix: His biography
sataylor pix: Just another finch
sataylor pix: Yellow fin tuna (sushi)
sataylor pix: Pelicanos
sataylor pix: Take this tuna, please
sataylor pix: Scrambling for fish scraps
sataylor pix: Got it!
sataylor pix: Attempting to swallow
sataylor pix: It's stuck
sataylor pix: I give up
sataylor pix: Manual construction
sataylor pix: Shovelling lava rock
sataylor pix: Here come's the aggregate
sataylor pix: Send up the concrete
sataylor pix: To the third floor
sataylor pix: Hola, me llamo Fred
sataylor pix: Yellow warbler
sataylor pix: Our accommodation at the station
sataylor pix: Tortoises galore
sataylor pix: Land iguana
sataylor pix: Female tortoise
sataylor pix: The nursery
sataylor pix: Just a baby