sataylor pix: Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, WA
sataylor pix: View from the library
sataylor pix: Leslie and Jean, Lime Kiln Point
sataylor pix: Pam & Pam
sataylor pix: Kris, dog photographer
sataylor pix: Pam, across the water from Vancouver Island!
sataylor pix: Alan, resident geologist
sataylor pix: Lime Kiln Lighthouse, San Juan Island
sataylor pix: Amy, Pam (hiding), Maureen & Teresa
sataylor pix: Still hiding
sataylor pix: Teresa, ready for the weather
sataylor pix: Joe & Teresa, the poncho people
sataylor pix: Janet, Friday Harbor in the background
sataylor pix: Teresa, Steve, Robin, Brian & Maureen
sataylor pix: Lori & Eileen
sataylor pix: Dredging for creatures
sataylor pix: Sally in 6 layers
sataylor pix: Releasing the creatures
sataylor pix: Sorting
sataylor pix: Khris, Debra, Joe & Keyseok
sataylor pix: Cold hands... Steve, Marcia & Robin
sataylor pix: Teresa, Leslie, Eileen & Brian
sataylor pix: Pregnant crabs and a seapen
sataylor pix: Warming up by the fire
sataylor pix: Pool tournament
sataylor pix: The shot to end all shots
sataylor pix: And the result!
sataylor pix: Kris & Steve for the red team
sataylor pix: Joe & Joan for the blue team