sataraid1: Southbound at south Wellington
sataraid1: Southbound coal at Summit Grove
sataraid1: Southbound 785 at Clinton
sataraid1: Crossing the Wabash at Clinton
sataraid1: So bad it's good
sataraid1: Southbound Soo at Haley
sataraid1: XL departing Fayette
sataraid1: Southbound XL at Fayette
sataraid1: Northbound XL
sataraid1: XL at Preston
sataraid1: XL at Dewey
sataraid1: Crew change at Van
sataraid1: Hiawatha at Van
sataraid1: Northbound over Lost Creek
sataraid1: Pennsy flyover
sataraid1: Yard engine on the West Belt
sataraid1: Terre Haute local at Western Tar
sataraid1: TH local at Grower's Co-Op
sataraid1: Soutbound empties
sataraid1: XL southbound at Spring Hill
sataraid1: The real deal
sataraid1: Southbound at "The Hill"
sataraid1: 204 at Spring Hill
sataraid1: Crew change at the Hill
sataraid1: 204 departing Spring Hill
sataraid1: 204 at Spring Hill
sataraid1: 204 on the Spring Hill Connection
sataraid1: XL southbound at Mud Road
sataraid1: Southbound XL south of Mud Road
sataraid1: Southbound empty coal at Keller