sassylittlelulu: nasty habit
sassylittlelulu: how does this work?
sassylittlelulu: VW Sunrise
sassylittlelulu: vw at the farm
sassylittlelulu: sunrise on the side
sassylittlelulu: inside with the guts still in
sassylittlelulu: open for business
sassylittlelulu: VW westy
sassylittlelulu: new plates too
sassylittlelulu: at brady lake
sassylittlelulu: ahhh almost sleepy time
sassylittlelulu: after we took the guts out
sassylittlelulu: vw cruise SA,TX
sassylittlelulu: vw cruise SA,TX
sassylittlelulu: DSCF1334.JPG
sassylittlelulu: vw cruise SA,TX
sassylittlelulu: vw cruise SA,TX
sassylittlelulu: i think this says it all
sassylittlelulu: shadows on the side
sassylittlelulu: It's getting late can I take you home
sassylittlelulu: Westy in the shadows
sassylittlelulu: Westy nights
sassylittlelulu: Wink WInk
sassylittlelulu: Thru the window