sassyass: the birthday man
sassyass: birthday aquarium visit
sassyass: mom, a tupperwear lid is a lame birthday present
sassyass: some have stars upon thars
sassyass: a three hour tour
sassyass: wistful for shore
sassyass: thar she blows
sassyass: suddenly in middle earth
sassyass: "petting the manta rays", or "toddler gang signs"
sassyass: this 3-D is amazing!
sassyass: elizabeth gets in on the action
sassyass: buckaroo makes a play for the forks
sassyass: happy birthday buckaroo!
sassyass: mexican standoff
sassyass: the bean is regal
sassyass: mexican standoff part II: enter nathaniel
sassyass: birthday train ride
sassyass: looking back
sassyass: snidely whiplash
sassyass: you'd think it was the matterhorn
sassyass: unperturbed
sassyass: birthday bushed
sassyass: taking the last train home