sasquahtch: the hills of Wylie McRiley
sasquahtch: cannot read
sasquahtch: just your typical average ordinary quotidien tocksplay nothing extra
sasquahtch: explore
sasquahtch: kayak! (what's a kayak?)
sasquahtch: grass fishing
sasquahtch: Happy Tocktober
sasquahtch: rumpday
sasquahtch: rumpday
sasquahtch: frog tocks
sasquahtch: anticipating Tocktober
sasquahtch: in the mood
sasquahtch: Please, I am deep.
sasquahtch: rumpday
sasquahtch: the lovers meet Destiny
sasquahtch: feel it
sasquahtch: Wyatt Climbs, #2 (but not like that)
sasquahtch: Wyatt Climbs, #4
sasquahtch: Somewhere on this bench under the snow is Wyatt's W tag
sasquahtch: East Hampton, winter 2009
sasquahtch: Wyatt's buttocks, Snow. Snow, Wyatt's buttocks.
sasquahtch: the water bowl is also for pedicures
sasquahtch: buttocks in the water bowl
sasquahtch: Hump-Furry
sasquahtch: business in the front, party in the back
sasquahtch: get behind the mule
sasquahtch: winter (gr)asses
sasquahtch: dorothy danglage
sasquahtch: sometimes you gotta give the people what they want