sasquahtch: East Hampton, NY
sasquahtch: East Hampton, NY
sasquahtch: sky mustache
sasquahtch: J(')aime Wyatt
sasquahtch: he dreams
sasquahtch: angel in the clouds
sasquahtch: changing sky
sasquahtch: partly cloudy with a chance of the park
sasquahtch: lady by the water
sasquahtch: water by the lady
sasquahtch: Wyatt's piers
sasquahtch: armchair staycation
sasquahtch: the sun says goodbye to the sky not I
sasquahtch: good morning, moon
sasquahtch: welcome to the (my) park
sasquahtch: sky kiss
sasquahtch: fried day
sasquahtch: and then, we went to the park
sasquahtch: sunset
sasquahtch: thattaway
sasquahtch: three
sasquahtch: Indiana sunset
sasquahtch: the sun and the son
sasquahtch: clouds bursting
sasquahtch: that was a good day
sasquahtch: Trumps trumping