sasquahtch: yearbook yourself, or others
sasquahtch: tiny morsel
sasquahtch: le fur est faux, l'amour est genuine
sasquahtch: front, back, whatevs
sasquahtch: swarthy helping hand
sasquahtch: the white shadow and the black shadow
sasquahtch: pensive
sasquahtch: Hooligan
sasquahtch: ear flop, wink, and a tongue: an aych trifecta
sasquahtch: Meditate in the Car
sasquahtch: Sleestak
sasquahtch: see ya later, staycation
sasquahtch: Advice from Humphrey #15
sasquahtch: Sardines are the New Bacon
sasquahtch: eye contact
sasquahtch: hanh uh hanh uh hanh uh hanh
sasquahtch: Siesta Research
sasquahtch: please enjoy the puppy putto on my new lounging apparatus
sasquahtch: Tuffet
sasquahtch: Tuffet
sasquahtch: not feeling so well tood day
sasquahtch: Z, H, Z.
sasquahtch: Faux sheepskin rug adjacent
sasquahtch: Would you like fries with that?
sasquahtch: thargeanths thockths
sasquahtch: Fried Day
sasquahtch: I read the news today
sasquahtch: like, thanks for the carpet, but, like . . .
sasquahtch: old soul