Saspotato: Supplies :)
Saspotato: Dive van
Saspotato: Duckweed D:
Saspotato: Grand Traverse
Saspotato: Albino shrimp
Saspotato: Buddy heading through Olsen
Saspotato: Olsen
Saspotato: Pot Hole
Saspotato: Nice tie off spot :)
Saspotato: Scary sign
Saspotato: Another exit!
Saspotato: Peacock One exit
Saspotato: Dov putting O2 bottle in
Saspotato: Another intersection
Saspotato: Dov
Saspotato: Intersection
Saspotato: Weird hole in rock
Saspotato: Lots of swimmers here
Saspotato: Dov doesn't like to O2 clean his regs :P
Saspotato: On deco
Saspotato: Me after Little River dive
Saspotato: Like the long whips so you don't have to take tanks out of car
Saspotato: Dave + Dov
Saspotato: Putting in reel
Saspotato: Holey
Saspotato: Me
Saspotato: I led some of this dive :)
Saspotato: Bit of traffic
Saspotato: Peanut tunnel
Saspotato: Fooling around at end of dive