Saspotato: Cute nudi
Saspotato: White Eyed Eel
Saspotato: Eastern Pomfrets
Saspotato: Egg Cowrie
Saspotato: Common Stingaree
Saspotato: Droopy cuttlefish
Saspotato: Red Cuttle pair
Saspotato: Ornate Wobbegong
Saspotato: Green moray pair
Saspotato: Chromodoris splendida
Saspotato: Horned Blenny
Saspotato: Dragonet of some kind?
Saspotato: Gloomy Octopus with eggs
Saspotato: Lamellarias
Saspotato: ARggghhh
Saspotato: Baby Clown Triggerfish
Saspotato: White Eyed Eel
Saspotato: Cave entrance
Saspotato: Red fish
Saspotato: Green Moray tonsils
Saspotato: Divers
Saspotato: Schooling baitfish
Saspotato: Sea flowers
Saspotato: Stout Moray
Saspotato: Urchin mine
Saspotato: Gloomy octopus - very common here
Saspotato: Black + White Nudi
Saspotato: Pretty cowrie
Saspotato: Red Rock Cod
Saspotato: Nudi laying eggs