Saspotato: More first aid!
Saspotato: Rescue of person with chopped off leg
Saspotato: Pre-dive checks
Saspotato: Giving O2 for shock
Saspotato: Me as dive marshal taking plans
Saspotato: Juergen
Saspotato: Getting ready for a scenario
Saspotato: Bringing the boat back in
Saspotato: Michael gearing up
Saspotato: Michael building sand castles
Saspotato: Michael after a dive
Saspotato: Me with the bends
Saspotato: Me before a dive
Saspotato: Rescue class
Saspotato: Divers on the surface
Saspotato: Rescue class
Saspotato: Me + Neil
Saspotato: More rescue class
Saspotato: About to start rescue class
Saspotato: Gear critique
Saspotato: Gear lined up
Saspotato: Gearing up
Saspotato: Another busted reel
Saspotato: Gear critique
Saspotato: Steve + Goetz
Saspotato: Briefing on the surface
Saspotato: Fab + Jimmy
Saspotato: I really know how to screw up a reel
Saspotato: More class stuff
Saspotato: Think this was OOA drill + no mask + reeling in line exercise