Saspotato: Snails on a Sponge
Saspotato: Abalone
Saspotato: Abalone with tentacles
Saspotato: Cowry laying eggs
Saspotato: Sandworm
Saspotato: Creepy worm
Saspotato: Strange curly flatworm
Saspotato: A wreck we found :P
Saspotato: Swimming worm
Saspotato: Big Abalone
Saspotato: Grub of some sort
Saspotato: Abalone on its back
Saspotato: Bruno the Green Knife
Saspotato: Some rusty grid thing
Saspotato: Seashell on a pylon
Saspotato: Tuna Fish
Saspotato: Underwater Battery
Saspotato: Old Penny
Saspotato: Goggles
Saspotato: Michael + Anthony's finds
Saspotato: Michael's sea gull army
Saspotato: Holothurian?
Saspotato: Circle of snail eggs
Saspotato: Explody hose
Saspotato: Melf
Saspotato: Sas
Saspotato: Burna
Saspotato: Weird reefs
Saspotato: Snail
Saspotato: Swimming worm