Saspotato: Maori octopus attack!
Saspotato: Blue Ring octopus
Saspotato: Blue Ring on a Seastar
Saspotato: White Spot Octopus at night
Saspotato: White Spot Octopus
Saspotato: Cuttlefish with funny expression
Saspotato: Cuttlefish
Saspotato: Dumpling squid in tractor beam
Saspotato: Maori octopus going for a stroll
Saspotato: Dumpling Squid Abduction!
Saspotato: Dumpling squid flapping wings
Saspotato: Dumpling squirting water
Saspotato: Blue ring octopus
Saspotato: Sand Occy
Saspotato: Sand Octopus
Saspotato: Dumpling squid at night
Saspotato: Cuttlefish
Saspotato: Maori Octopus
Saspotato: Maori Octopus
Saspotato: Maori Octopus
Saspotato: Maori Octopus
Saspotato: Blue ring at night
Saspotato: Unhappy Cuttlefish
Saspotato: Well hidden
Saspotato: Octopus on the move
Saspotato: Spot the Octopus
Saspotato: Cuttlefish under the bow
Saspotato: Well camoflaged blue-ring
Saspotato: Blue ring octopus
Saspotato: Blue ring octopus in odd position