saska01: Tabby bits
saska01: Li'l blue eyes
saska01: Port-a-snorgle in the flesh (er, fur)
saska01: Tie-tie
saska01: Ham and the Boy
saska01: tasty toes
saska01: bright blue eyes
saska01: Assaulting with cute
saska01: Contemplating pouncing
saska01: Nemesis, rubber lizard
saska01: Sworn enemy, camera strap
saska01: kittens make everything fashionable...
saska01: so now I coooome to yooooou with oooopen aaaaarms
saska01: last thing I remember there was this catnip mouse
saska01: the pink bits
saska01: pensive Ham
saska01: pretty profile
saska01: portrait of contentment
saska01: an uneasy peace
saska01: hobbit-style camera trickery
saska01: lazier than me
saska01: reckless abandon or unconditional surrender
saska01: still sprawling
saska01: signs of life
saska01: utterly indecent
saska01: Upward-facing cat
saska01: sunkissed
saska01: safe haven
saska01: them bushes are pokey
saska01: on the prowl