saska01: Peacock tail detail
saska01: Peacock tail fanned
saska01: World's friendliest peacock
saska01: Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
saska01: I swear the camera adds ten pounds.
saska01: The only thing better than being king is being queen.
saska01: Lion around...
saska01: This is my log.
saska01: My son says "I could fit in that nest!"
saska01: There's a mouse somewhere whose name is "Dinner"...
saska01: I'm pretty sure we can get into the sewers from here...
saska01: Komodo dragon
saska01: I'm not going to tell you what's so funny.
saska01: Eucalyptus
saska01: Japanese goat in search of proper name
saska01: Desert fox: the fennec
saska01: Fennec fox
saska01: Napping fennec
saska01: Step-out of the Penguin
saska01: My elusive favorite animal
saska01: Listening to the jaguar
saska01: Pleh
saska01: Eye contact
saska01: Insert head here
saska01: Serenity now
saska01: Let's put our heads together
saska01: Male pattern baldness
saska01: Tandem African wild dogs
saska01: Tufty ears and bushy tail
saska01: Will pose for food