Ghostryder2011: Turned Around
Ghostryder2011: Leaving Wallangarra
Ghostryder2011: Welcome to NSW
Ghostryder2011: Running Around
Ghostryder2011: Devils Elbow
Ghostryder2011: Almost there
Ghostryder2011: A Moments Rest
Ghostryder2011: Quart Pot Creek
Ghostryder2011: Ballandean
Ghostryder2011: Stanthorpe
Ghostryder2011: Leaving Warwick
Ghostryder2011: Warwick Winelander
Ghostryder2011: Across The Condamine
Ghostryder2011: On the Border
Ghostryder2011: Wallangarra NSW Platform
Ghostryder2011: Awaiting Departure
Ghostryder2011: Into the Sunset