Ghostryder2011: 8115 Port Waratah
Ghostryder2011: 8112 Port Waratah
Ghostryder2011: 5910 takes on water after arriving at Steamfest
Ghostryder2011: 5910 adorned with the Newcastle Flyer Head board lets off steam at Steamfest
Ghostryder2011: 38 Class Maitland_02
Ghostryder2011: 38 class Maitland NSW
Ghostryder2011: 3642 with a 3801 Limted banner Port Waratah Entry
Ghostryder2011: 3642 Port Waratah Entry
Ghostryder2011: AD60 6039
Ghostryder2011: C-17 1000
Ghostryder2011: BB-18 1/4 1089
Ghostryder2011: 442/44 Port Waratah