Sure, Mikaela won this round. But when it came time to rub her belly and tap her head at the same time..........
Cindi waited patiently for the visitors to avert their gaze so she could ferociously attack the itch on her back in a very un-cheetah like way
In his youth, satan's ears were not quite symmetrical. Also, he went by the name Cecil. Many believe that's where his malevolence sprung from.
Margaret shot over a look as if to say she already had a winning hand before lowering her meaty paws upon the cards. "All-in" she exclaimed as the flop was revealed. Actually, she said "meow", but we all knew what she meant.
I had preferred for it to be a close up portrait, but having just gotten her nails done that day, Lianne was quite insistent they be in the shot