sashafatcat: little iron guys on a fence 1
sashafatcat: little iron guys on a fence 2
sashafatcat: little iron guys on a fence 5
sashafatcat: little iron guys on a fence 3
sashafatcat: little iron guys on a fence 4
sashafatcat: little iron guys on a fence 7
sashafatcat: little iron guys on a fence 6
sashafatcat: little iron guys on a fence 9
sashafatcat: little iron guys on a fence 8
sashafatcat: IMG_0865
sashafatcat: safeco field
sashafatcat: picasso-esque
sashafatcat: sculpture for a cartoonist
sashafatcat: hippo sculpture
sashafatcat: sculpture and erasmus bridge
sashafatcat: war memorial
sashafatcat: war memorial
sashafatcat: public art
sashafatcat: public art
sashafatcat: sing that song
sashafatcat: sing that song
sashafatcat: joost van den vondel in the vondelpark
sashafatcat: musician without a face
sashafatcat: musician without a face
sashafatcat: smoke that stogie
sashafatcat: play that accordion
sashafatcat: play that bass
sashafatcat: window fishing
sashafatcat: opera head fountain
sashafatcat: opera head and cabbage