Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: Special Love
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: Summer Loving
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: "The only real secret to inspiration consists not in seeking new locations, but in having new eyes."
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe"
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: "I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: "A horse doesn't care how much you know, until he knows how much you care."
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: Raspberry Jam Hearts on Toast
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: Purple Lavender
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: "All children are artists. the problem is how to remain an artist once you grow up"
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: "Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal"
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: Autumn Feeling - Day 13/365
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: Japanese Acer Tree
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: Dancer - Day 30/365
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: Autumn Jump - Day 33/365
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: The Yellow Avenue
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: Watermelon Craving - Day 55/365
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: Making Lemonade Day - 58/365
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: English Autumn
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: Attentive Horses
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: Feeling Chocolatey - Day 39/365
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: "I'm not following anybody's tracks, I'm making my own."
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: Candy Cane Cupcake
Sasha L'Estrange-Bell: The First Signs of Spring