sasastro: Who was on the (sort of) bench in Colchester? 20/08/16
sasastro: On Guard
sasastro: No Laughing Matter
sasastro: Hear Ye, Hear Ye.
sasastro: I knew someone would take my photo if I wore this silly helmet
sasastro: You can ring my bell
sasastro: I can shout louder than you
sasastro: One Eye on the Past
sasastro: How did that bell get there?
sasastro: Not a T K Maxx Outfit
sasastro: Oi, you're stealing my spotlight
sasastro: I don't think his name is Fraser
sasastro: From one city to another
sasastro: It's not just any old bell
sasastro: The judges
sasastro: The Town Crier Contestants