sasastro: I'll be on my way
sasastro: Forgotten who these are
sasastro: Dancing a little jig
sasastro: Oops
sasastro: High High Jump
sasastro: Cheers
sasastro: These guys don't smile
sasastro: Still Pig Dyke Molly
sasastro: Pif Dyke Molly
sasastro: Another Old Glory
sasastro: Bearded Old Glory
sasastro: I want a coat like that
sasastro: Little sweep
sasastro: Pig Dyke Molly
sasastro: This is also black and white
sasastro: It's Black & White
sasastro: Gog Magog Molly
sasastro: Be sure to wear, some flowers on your hat
sasastro: Colourful
sasastro: Windows
sasastro: Penelope Pitstop
sasastro: Cheers
sasastro: Really, it was funny
sasastro: That was funny
sasastro: Wrong event? It's not comic con
sasastro: As soon as the muzzle comes off...
sasastro: Rolleiflex
sasastro: Straw Bear & Minder
sasastro: Old Glory Molly
sasastro: He's for the high jump