sasastro: A camera-shy red admiral
sasastro: Muntjac Fawn
sasastro: Song Thrush
sasastro: Little Egret
sasastro: Much Cuteness
sasastro: A sheepish wink
sasastro: Seeing Double
sasastro: That's a bit of a mouthful
sasastro: Chiffchaff
sasastro: Trying to hide from the camera
sasastro: Buds budding
sasastro: Roe deer
sasastro: About to spring off
sasastro: Tree creeper
sasastro: Catch me if you can
sasastro: LTT
sasastro: Siskin and blue skies
sasastro: Lesser Redpolls?
sasastro: Love bugs
sasastro: Wren
sasastro: Ringlet
sasastro: Hanging on in there
sasastro: What type of thrush is this?
sasastro: Great tit
sasastro: Californian Quail
sasastro: Californian Quail
sasastro: Watching me watching him
sasastro: I can see you
sasastro: Speckeld Wood Butterfly
sasastro: Last one in's a sissy