sasastro: Kelly Kestrel
sasastro: Hanging on there
sasastro: St Ed's Cathedral
sasastro: Duncan Dunnock
sasastro: Robbie Robin
sasastro: looking for food
sasastro: found some
sasastro: Gull Boy Three
sasastro: I can still see you
sasastro: Oh dear :(
sasastro: Starling
sasastro: Cormorants out on the lake
sasastro: These two at a distance too
sasastro: Percy Pochard
sasastro: Goldeneye
sasastro: IMGP6338
sasastro: IMGP6340
sasastro: IMGP6341
sasastro: Swan lake
sasastro: damn that twig
sasastro: Oi you - b*gger off
sasastro: I think I'm being watched
sasastro: And in the multicoloured corner...
sasastro: Coming out of the corner
sasastro: Mistle Thrush Feasting on Berries