sasastro: Sweety
sasastro: In the picture
sasastro: So Happy Together
sasastro: I'm coming back
sasastro: Posing Market Trader
sasastro: He cracked
sasastro: Oi you stop posing
sasastro: The power of advertising
sasastro: Not bursting her bubble
sasastro: A touch of magic
sasastro: What did the furry hat say to the woolly scarf?
sasastro: Public ball games
sasastro: P**d off
sasastro: A face in the crowd
sasastro: he said he would take me to high class places
sasastro: Cat Woman or Mrs Leo?
sasastro: Looking Lost
sasastro: A slight adjustment
sasastro: Google Navigation
sasastro: In my day we had a Brownie....
sasastro: Meet me at no 78
sasastro: Pin Interest
sasastro: A little light reading
sasastro: OK, who forgot to get flowers for mum?
sasastro: As Time Goes By
sasastro: Fiddling Busker
sasastro: Going Wild on St George's Day
sasastro: Asleep on the job
sasastro: You love that dog more than you love me