Sandra Standbridge.: Fox (Vulpes vulpes) A frosty morning.
Sandra Standbridge.: Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed . Explored.
Sandra Standbridge.: Fox out hunting.
Sandra Standbridge.: Fox curled up in the Brambles
Sandra Standbridge.: Fox, putting it's best foot forward. Explored.
Sandra Standbridge.: Fox . (Vulpes vulpes).
Sandra Standbridge.: Foxy bingo.
Sandra Standbridge.: Up a tree, on sentry duty.
Sandra Standbridge.: Fox in the stingers.
Sandra Standbridge.: One shiny wet nose and two big furry ears!
Sandra Standbridge.: Fox playing peekaboo.
Sandra Standbridge.: A cheeky Fox.
Sandra Standbridge.: You have crossed the line.
Sandra Standbridge.: Foxes in action.
Sandra Standbridge.: Foxes pushing each other into the air with their rear ends. Explored.
Sandra Standbridge.: Foxes fighting. Explored.
Sandra Standbridge.: One of the Nippers.
Sandra Standbridge.: An adult Fox with a nipper.
Sandra Standbridge.: Foxy stare.
Sandra Standbridge.: Who's watching who.? Explored.
Sandra Standbridge.: Coming through your screen any moment now.
Sandra Standbridge.: Putting his best foot forward.
Sandra Standbridge.: Raindrops keep falling on my head, well nose in this case.
Sandra Standbridge.: Are you hypnotised yet ?
Sandra Standbridge.: You can't keep a good FOX down. Explored.
Sandra Standbridge.: It's tiring work being a Fox..