jean-christophe sartoris: I'm a warlord, not a flag-waving trumpeter!
jean-christophe sartoris: Hey, this isn't where I parked my car!
jean-christophe sartoris: Room 12, in case you're so drunk you can't remember.
jean-christophe sartoris: I am not a veterinary. Try to understand that, Mister Guillain
jean-christophe sartoris: But beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression...
jean-christophe sartoris: Take a few minutes. Coffee's ready.
jean-christophe sartoris: Hey Baz, is that nitrous button?
jean-christophe sartoris: Tell me Popeye... The shop closes at 8pm, not 7:45pm.
jean-christophe sartoris: What happened to your nose?
jean-christophe sartoris: I had an appointment with Commandant Jean-Pierre, who actually is Sergeant Henri.
jean-christophe sartoris: You can come at midnight. I'll still be up.
jean-christophe sartoris: Stop making everything so complicated and find a solution.
jean-christophe sartoris: You've already confirmed your first name is Not.
jean-christophe sartoris: Obviously, the time continuum has been disrupted...
jean-christophe sartoris: What makes "Didier" any weirder than "Fido" or... "Pom-pom"?
jean-christophe sartoris: I'm at the park, practicing my boomerang.
jean-christophe sartoris: She pictures me at home having a beer, watching TV.
jean-christophe sartoris: If you hear me scream, don't worry.
jean-christophe sartoris: My clarinet teacher said I wasn't responsible, but others said I was.
jean-christophe sartoris: I wandered around Montparnasse all night.
jean-christophe sartoris: I do not know, this map is from 1917.
jean-christophe sartoris: We'll start with champagne.
jean-christophe sartoris: Popeye!! He has an enormous golden curb chain, and he doesn't want to pitch it,