sargant: Hotel President
sargant: View from Table Mountain
sargant: Twelve Apostles
sargant: Cape Town
sargant: Early Afternoon
sargant: Me
sargant: Hout Bay
sargant: Seal colony
sargant: Seal colony
sargant: Seal colony
sargant: Morning
sargant: View from Chapman's Peak drive
sargant: Ostriches!
sargant: Ostriches
sargant: Possibly the greatest photo of ostriches ever
sargant: Cheeky Monkey
sargant: Cape of Good Hope
sargant: Misty Mountains
sargant: Misty Mountains
sargant: Cape Point
sargant: Cape Point lighthouse
sargant: Cape Point
sargant: African Penguin
sargant: Two penguins
sargant: Penguin colony
sargant: Going for a dip?
sargant: Lost penguins
sargant: Bemused penguin
sargant: More penguins
sargant: Highly bemused penguin