saralovering: palm trees, oh i will miss you so
saralovering: texas pride
saralovering: sideyard
saralovering: more tin
saralovering: me reflected in a planter shaped like texas
saralovering: more reflection
saralovering: houston manhole cover
saralovering: astros seat
saralovering: side view
saralovering: tin siding
saralovering: front yard
saralovering: more hanging pop tops
saralovering: front of the beer can house
saralovering: rusty cans
saralovering: shiner bock
saralovering: dd sign
saralovering: frozen with salt
saralovering: dark clouds
saralovering: lamp post
saralovering: palm trees through windshield 2
saralovering: palm trees through windshield 1
saralovering: self portrait on my 29th birthday
saralovering: lit hallway
saralovering: my birthday cake
saralovering: these boots were made for walking 1
saralovering: Picture(8).jpg
saralovering: these boots were made for walking 2