saralovering: lissy on the beach
saralovering: mmmm, popcorn! 4
saralovering: mmmm, popcorn! 3
saralovering: mmmm, popcorn! 2
saralovering: mmmm, popcorn! 1
saralovering: my flip flops on the beach
saralovering: self portrait of me the day before i turn 29
saralovering: these boots were made for walking 3
saralovering: these boots were made for walking 2
saralovering: these boots were made for walking 1
saralovering: my birthday cake
saralovering: relaxing
saralovering: sipping a greyhound
saralovering: my birthday dirty martini
saralovering: new umbrella
saralovering: this will be good for the SF rain
saralovering: pretty doves
saralovering: spinning
saralovering: self portrait on my 29th birthday
saralovering: with palm