czarita: upgraded room with minifridge
czarita: excited about our temporary home
czarita: my favorite place that I visited in Vancouver
czarita: ready for adventuring
czarita: the remainder of the champagne and Belgian chocolates
czarita: testing the springs
czarita: and once more for the road
czarita: DSCF5206
czarita: DSCF5207
czarita: DSCF5208
czarita: DSCF5209
czarita: DSCF5210
czarita: DSCF5211
czarita: tic-tac-toe with creamer
czarita: tantrum on the horizon
czarita: hungry Damien!
czarita: sneaky face
czarita: sleepy Sar
czarita: look at that giant bird outside the window!
czarita: "Canadian Breakfast," veggie-style
czarita: urban flora
czarita: the little one is NOT moldy!
czarita: Burraaaarrrrrrrrrrrrd!
czarita: oil on water
czarita: you!
czarita: Canadian skaters are unicyclists
czarita: approaching the wobbly platform
czarita: landing a jump
czarita: there goes the Titanic...
czarita: DSCF5240