czarita: pretty queers on the couch
czarita: ambivalent refrigerator poetry
czarita: smoosh faces
czarita: the chin grin
czarita: Tyler Jo makes one of her characteristic elfish faces
czarita: bein' pretty some more
czarita: classic Maxx
czarita: the birthday girl
czarita: flushed and happy
czarita: the sweetheart gaze
czarita: Birthday Girl + Mr. Moustache
czarita: Jake starts the moustache madness
czarita: and 28 seconds later...
czarita: Dani's so hardcore
czarita: it tickles!
czarita: happy Luigi!
czarita: ...and the profile
czarita: crack adornment
czarita: Jake surveys his mayhem with amusement
czarita: Damien being sweet and patient as we try to begin the leaving
czarita: Q with moustache
czarita: where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
czarita: restless/restful
czarita: preparing to adhere
czarita: emo moustache bois
czarita: it's a Sar, and I want it!
czarita: framing the Sar
czarita: hirsute and lascivious
czarita: the posse pose
czarita: and the final moustache lineup