Sara Judith: Wonder who this is...
Sara Judith: With the wind in her hair...
Sara Judith: Editing
Sara Judith: Editing
Sara Judith: Oh Man... Edit
Sara Judith: Oh Man... Edit Combo
Sara Judith: Muscular
Sara Judith: Holiday!
Sara Judith: Serenity
Sara Judith: Inevitable
Sara Judith: Those Eyes...
Sara Judith: Football
Sara Judith: Meet the Family
Sara Judith: Leap Frog
Sara Judith: Photographer's View
Sara Judith: Melbourne
Sara Judith: Diverse City
Sara Judith: Mello's Eye
Sara Judith: If it disturbs you...
Sara Judith: Standing before the light but in the shadow of his grace...
Sara Judith: And she'll tell you...
Sara Judith: What do I know?
Sara Judith: Hello Summer!
Sara Judith: She's always buzzin' just like neon.