Sara Kelly Johns: Front walk flower beds
Sara Kelly Johns: Along the house flower bed
Sara Kelly Johns: Along the house flower bed
Sara Kelly Johns: Along the house flower bed
Sara Kelly Johns: Along the house flower bed
Sara Kelly Johns: Along the house flower bed
Sara Kelly Johns: Along the house flower bed
Sara Kelly Johns: New pink hardy rugosa rose bush
Sara Kelly Johns: Three new hardy rugosa pink rosebushes fill in the gaps
Sara Kelly Johns: Unfolding rugosa rose...
Sara Kelly Johns: Front flower bed
Sara Kelly Johns: Front flower bed
Sara Kelly Johns: Front flower bed
Sara Kelly Johns: Front flower bed
Sara Kelly Johns: Lemon thyme and pansies
Sara Kelly Johns: Yankees barrel
Sara Kelly Johns: Frank's tomato plant
Sara Kelly Johns: Hostas and lilies
Sara Kelly Johns: Vines and ferns
Sara Kelly Johns: Ferns and Virginia creeper
Sara Kelly Johns: Roses and Virginia creeper along the fence
Sara Kelly Johns: My lilacs and lilies along the neighbor's house