Sara Kelly Johns: Jan 1 Sara, Linda, Karen meet the new year with friendship and fun
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 2...The snow flieth...finally!
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 3...Musical Snow Globe
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 4...New books!
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 5...Drips...
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 6...Dusk...a bit of fleeting magical light
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 7...Clock from my father
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 8 At the feast...
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 9 Telling stories
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 10 Last on, first off...
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 12 These made me laugh...
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 13 Christmas quilt goes away...
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 14 On deadline...
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 17 Gram's paperweight
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 16 Ice on the window...-26 F
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 19 Mansfield course and AASL Board prep at Mike's
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 18 Mike meets me with Sheepdogs--three!
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 20 Retro clock at the Aloft
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan 21 Empowering Voices
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 22 Met Rich Harwood, expert at transforming communities and former tennis player for BIL Rich Johns
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 23 Lily at the Dallas Fish Market
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 24 6th Floor Museum, from which John F. Kennedy was assassinated
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan. 25 Back to the real world after ALA Midwinter in Dallas
Sara Kelly Johns: Jan 30 Petition 2012-01-30 at 10.01.03 PM copy
Sara Kelly Johns: Feb. 1 Coaches for Cancer basketball tournament shirts
Sara Kelly Johns: Feb. 2 Greening Up The Library
Sara Kelly Johns: Feb. 6 Sunset over the Ice Palace
Sara Kelly Johns: Feb. 10 Glenda's contribution to my personal library!
Sara Kelly Johns: Feb. 12 Whiteface with a snowy peak
Sara Kelly Johns: Feb. 13 Swirl of Petals