Sara Kelly Johns: Watching a video from Tina of "Keep Your Hat On" with brass...
Sara Kelly Johns: Posters and pictures
Sara Kelly Johns: Frank playing his "Beatle Bass"
Sara Kelly Johns: Abby, Paul and Annie
Sara Kelly Johns: Abby, Anth and Peter
Sara Kelly Johns: Abby, Peter and RB
Sara Kelly Johns: Paul and Anth...
Sara Kelly Johns: Friends..
Sara Kelly Johns: Sparky...
Sara Kelly Johns: Linda has preserved a lot of memories
Sara Kelly Johns: Paul, Frank and Anth
Sara Kelly Johns: Paul Parks, AKA Paul Lee of Paul Lee and the Walkers
Sara Kelly Johns: Memorabilia
Sara Kelly Johns: Visiting...
Sara Kelly Johns: "Remember when this picture was taken?"
Sara Kelly Johns: Youngsters listen to stories...
Sara Kelly Johns: OLD pictures
Sara Kelly Johns: Remembering
Sara Kelly Johns: Listening...
Sara Kelly Johns: Food prep...
Sara Kelly Johns: Ann helps with the prep