Sara Kelly Johns: Tyler's haircut is done, Anth's turn
Sara Kelly Johns: Haircut for Anthony
Sara Kelly Johns: Haircut for Anth
Sara Kelly Johns: Karen and Anthony
Sara Kelly Johns: Tyler and Frank
Sara Kelly Johns: Aunt Barb, Aunt Beattie, and Frank
Sara Kelly Johns: Frank and Aunt Vickie
Sara Kelly Johns: Frank, Uncle Al and Aunt Vickie
Sara Kelly Johns: Five Orthodox Easter Eggs
Sara Kelly Johns: Eggs given out at the Orthodox Easter Service
Sara Kelly Johns: Three Eggs
Sara Kelly Johns: Fascinating Easter Egg....dyed by onion skins in panty hose!
Sara Kelly Johns: Shrouded Table
Sara Kelly Johns: Miss Moody is not going to move
Sara Kelly Johns: Polly, Linda, Kim and Tom
Sara Kelly Johns: Jordie listens
Sara Kelly Johns: The family.....
Sara Kelly Johns: Jordan with Dan. Rich and Frank
Sara Kelly Johns: Eating appetizers
Sara Kelly Johns: Eating Appetizers
Sara Kelly Johns: Dan. Frank and Tyler
Sara Kelly Johns: Lovely Table Setting
Sara Kelly Johns: Kids' Table settings
Sara Kelly Johns: Dan. Anth and Tyler
Sara Kelly Johns: Jordie and Grandma Anna
Sara Kelly Johns: Fruit Salad with Tang Dressing
Sara Kelly Johns: Syrian Bread!