sarahsflickr: last bite in/of san francisco
sarahsflickr: asleep in the booth
sarahsflickr: family portrait minus one
sarahsflickr: before he fell asleep
sarahsflickr: the last supper
sarahsflickr: san francisco dog fashion
sarahsflickr: downtown macy's
sarahsflickr: SFMoMA
sarahsflickr: St. Patrick's Church
sarahsflickr: a walk in the park
sarahsflickr: steep aluminum slide
sarahsflickr: afternoon at the park
sarahsflickr: pier 39 seals
sarahsflickr: one last visit
sarahsflickr: saying goodbye
sarahsflickr: a magical time of day
sarahsflickr: goodnight beautiful city
sarahsflickr: steven working at the desk
sarahsflickr: end of another great day
sarahsflickr: the best of dessert
sarahsflickr: dinner with a view
sarahsflickr: L's fake smile
sarahsflickr: I can't see you!
sarahsflickr: I can't hear you!
sarahsflickr: steven and L
sarahsflickr: fisherman's wharf
sarahsflickr: mid-hill rest
sarahsflickr: cable car bench
sarahsflickr: the cable car force
sarahsflickr: the cafe where we had breakfast