♥ Sarah Pancake ☂: Baggage claim.
♥ Sarah Pancake ☂: Canada, aye?
♥ Sarah Pancake ☂: "There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million." - Walt Streightiff
♥ Sarah Pancake ☂: Coming home.
♥ Sarah Pancake ☂: My dad's parents were both teachers or administators or something. They named a hall after them. My parents went to this school (along with my dad's other nine siblings).
♥ Sarah Pancake ☂: My aunt's fish farm.
♥ Sarah Pancake ☂: "Breathless, we flung us on a windy hill, Laughed in the sun, and kissed the lovely grass." -Rupert Brooke
♥ Sarah Pancake ☂: "In the sky an infinitude of hope, a canvas of glory. All possibilities mine."- Neroli Lambent
♥ Sarah Pancake ☂: Fishy fishies.
♥ Sarah Pancake ☂: Fishy fishy.
♥ Sarah Pancake ☂: Fresh from the ocean.
♥ Sarah Pancake ☂: Good morning.
♥ Sarah Pancake ☂: A window view.
♥ Sarah Pancake ☂: La vita e bella; Life is beautiful.
♥ Sarah Pancake ☂: Up above the world so high.