sarah0s: Still don’t know what’s up there
sarah0s: Tiny patch of scattered wildflowers seeds grew on the side fence
sarah0s: delphiniums
sarah0s: Peonies are tall! Elliott for scale
sarah0s: Elliott for scale. delphiniums are very tall
sarah0s: More garden progress
sarah0s: Fireweed is blooming
sarah0s: Pink clouds at 10:12pm
sarah0s: Proof I mowed the lawn. It took a long time
sarah0s: Busted someone eating out of the garden
sarah0s: Busted someone eating out of the garden
sarah0s: Magic hour at 9:15 pm
sarah0s: Munroe doesn’t care about the new paint in the mud room but we love it
sarah0s: Garden update
sarah0s: Garden updates. It smells great
sarah0s: I put out a picnic blanket for the because they didn’t like the wet grass. What pokey dogs
sarah0s: Tiny violet peeking through
sarah0s: New Iris blooms