sarah haege (sarahishh):
my hands are cold
sarah haege (sarahishh):
sarah haege (sarahishh):
natural faucet
sarah haege (sarahishh):
my knees are cold
sarah haege (sarahishh):
as our sparks fly up.
sarah haege (sarahishh):
in other worlds.
sarah haege (sarahishh):
sarah haege (sarahishh):
I built a home for you, for me.
sarah haege (sarahishh):
when violet eyes get brighter
sarah haege (sarahishh):
I didn't want any flowers (act II)
sarah haege (sarahishh):
sarah haege (sarahishh):
sarah haege (sarahishh):
blue jay.
sarah haege (sarahishh):
it has shown me that everything is illuminated in the light of the past
sarah haege (sarahishh):
trees are their roots
sarah haege (sarahishh):
I didn't want any flowers (act I)
sarah haege (sarahishh):
holly can't hate ii
sarah haege (sarahishh):
holly can't hate.