sarahlboyd: La Catedral de Valencia and Plaza de la Reina
sarahlboyd: Stained glass of the Grail above the Grail
sarahlboyd: Stained Glass in El Corredor, Valencia Cathedral
sarahlboyd: Ceiling of the Capilla Mayor from the right, Valencia Cathedral
sarahlboyd: View of the chandelier, Valencia Cathedral
sarahlboyd: Spain Memory Card 1 149
sarahlboyd: Spain Memory Card 1 150
sarahlboyd: Ambulatory, with Capilla de San Jaime, Virgen del Coro, Capillas del Cristo de la Buena Muerte and de San Rafael Arcangel
sarahlboyd: Virgen del Coro, Valencia Cathedral
sarahlboyd: Detail of Virgen del Coro, Valencia Cathedral
sarahlboyd: Mummified hand of San Vicente Martyr, Capilla de la Resurreccion, Mummified hand of San Vicente Martyr
sarahlboyd: Capilla de Nuestra Senora del Pila, Valencia Cathedral
sarahlboyd: Mom standing in front of a side chapel, Valencia Cathedral
sarahlboyd: High Altar, Valencia Cathedral
sarahlboyd: Ceiling frescoes, Apse, Valencia Cathedral
sarahlboyd: Front view, Altar, Capilla Mayor, Valencia
sarahlboyd: Side chapel, Valencia Cathedral
sarahlboyd: Stained glass of the Assumption, Valencia Cathedral
sarahlboyd: View down the nave towards the apse, Valencia Cathedral
sarahlboyd: Monstance, Valencia Cathedral
sarahlboyd: Model of the Cathedral I
sarahlboyd: Model of the Cathedral II
sarahlboyd: Holy Grail, Valencia Cathedral
sarahlboyd: Capilla del Santo Caliz, Valencia Cathedral
sarahlboyd: Stained glass in El Corredor II
sarahlboyd: Facade of Valencia Cathedral