sarahlane: Metro at Arts e Metiers station.
sarahlane: Goodbye, beautiful freezing complicated exciting lonely city of light. J'aime.
sarahlane: With?
sarahlane: Joyeux Noël from the Pantheon
sarahlane: Frozen fountain fauna
sarahlane: Piled to rest.
sarahlane: Empty église.
sarahlane: Me inside Dalí.
sarahlane: Got lost at an impasse and found Kate Moss crying. Don't cry Kate.
sarahlane: The Arts et Métier metro stop all steampunked out. Looks a bit like the TWiT studio, but with more drunk people sleeping.
sarahlane: I think this is a threat.
sarahlane: Merry Jellyfish.
sarahlane: Gothique.
sarahlane: Impressively weird.
sarahlane: No idea what's inside this. I just pointed to something on the menu.
sarahlane: La Hobette
sarahlane: Liberty does Paris.
sarahlane: Today I watched a Vietnamese communism protest.
sarahlane: When I say that I'm ok, they look at me kind of strange. Surely you're not happy now you no longer play the game.
sarahlane: Well isn't that nice.
sarahlane: View from the new hotel room. Très agréable!
sarahlane: Look ma I'm drinking with the Prime Minister!
sarahlane: Dusky.
sarahlane: I shared this moment with a couple French teenagers listening to The Doors, smoking a joint, and eating chocolate.
sarahlane: City canyons
sarahlane: Oscar Wilde's grave doesn't look like I thought it would.
sarahlane: Whiskey by flashlight.
sarahlane: Hot ladies playing string instruments. Apparently on Britain's Got Talent? Very talented!
sarahlane: Noel.
sarahlane: Sometimes it feels like it'll never be warm again.