EloisePlz: celophaned meat
EloisePlz: people chilling on the side of the road
EloisePlz: the largest grove of dates i have ever seen
EloisePlz: entering date palm country
EloisePlz: the transfer completed
EloisePlz: our taxi becomes a delivery service
EloisePlz: capturing ziid l'endu
EloisePlz: little mohammed refusing to tell us his age
EloisePlz: big mohammed owning up to his age
EloisePlz: laughing about berber parabols
EloisePlz: hotel made out of straw
EloisePlz: Ali Yacoubi and the proud camel
EloisePlz: a real deal oasis
EloisePlz: _MG_9424
EloisePlz: _MG_9411
EloisePlz: _MG_9393
EloisePlz: imagine the perils of getting up that
EloisePlz: weird desert slug
EloisePlz: morning view
EloisePlz: which way is north?
EloisePlz: _MG_9353
EloisePlz: _MG_9351
EloisePlz: _MG_9334
EloisePlz: _MG_9326
EloisePlz: _MG_9324
EloisePlz: _MG_9322
EloisePlz: the little cyber
EloisePlz: tile for sale
EloisePlz: _MG_9315