I'm a seaslug: I wonder where she's taking them?
I'm a seaslug: Lunch with Tha
I'm a seaslug: Kid waiting
I'm a seaslug: hot bright day
I'm a seaslug: The farmacy
I'm a seaslug: Beng Mealea
I'm a seaslug: Cambodian People's Party
I'm a seaslug: Cows and hut
I'm a seaslug: Petrol Station
I'm a seaslug: Another petrol station
I'm a seaslug: roadside store
I'm a seaslug: This is my favorite of all my photos from my trip, I think.
I'm a seaslug: Farm vehicle with bundles
I'm a seaslug: fixing bike
I'm a seaslug: this is pathetic, I need to get my film re-scanned at Photo Works or something..
I'm a seaslug: Another photo ruined.
I'm a seaslug: People farming
I'm a seaslug: guy with pig carcass
I'm a seaslug: saw this house a lot
I'm a seaslug: 2713821523_642395f205_o
I'm a seaslug: "Birth Spacing Injection," brought to you by US AID
I'm a seaslug: We were there during the election.
I'm a seaslug: buying produce
I'm a seaslug: selling produce
I'm a seaslug: Filling up the tank
I'm a seaslug: Napping on Tuk Tuk
I'm a seaslug: Pop love songs that tell a story
I'm a seaslug: so polite..
I'm a seaslug: explaining the love story
I'm a seaslug: yes, it was hillarious