Sarah Kate Photography: Staring into the Sun
Sarah Kate Photography: Portrait of the artist as thoroughly embarrassed
Sarah Kate Photography: Fashion is Serious Business
Sarah Kate Photography: Don't Give Yourself Away
Sarah Kate Photography: Oh God I'm Late for Work!!
Sarah Kate Photography: But I Give Light
Sarah Kate Photography: Might give the landlord a call about that heat pump
Sarah Kate Photography: Fun, Fun, Fun
Sarah Kate Photography: Snake Oil cures all major ailments!*
Sarah Kate Photography: Geese Fly South For The Winter
Sarah Kate Photography: Yoü And I, and I
Sarah Kate Photography: I'm a Nerd Now
Sarah Kate Photography: The filmmaker cannot see
Sarah Kate Photography: And the songwriter cannot hear
Sarah Kate Photography: Let's find a bar so dark we forget who we are
Sarah Kate Photography: Men of Tarnish
Sarah Kate Photography: You Have It In You