sarahjays: auschwitz-birkenau
sarahjays: auschwitz
sarahjays: downtown krakow
sarahjays: last night in town
sarahjays: the jewish quarter
sarahjays: these baguette pizzas were awesome. though having to take your hands out of your pockets in order to eat them was not so awesome.
sarahjays: sunrise over bridge krakow style
sarahjays: i like these old soviet era statues. not sure how keen the locals are on them considering how friendly the soviets were and all.
sarahjays: and the drinking continues....
sarahjays: i don't remember ben missing his pants but photos don't lie
sarahjays: oh look! a photo of jess putting on her shoe! fascinating!
sarahjays: don't look at me like that young man!
sarahjays: joe, jess and sam
sarahjays: why yes i am taking another photo
sarahjays: salsa night at the hostel
sarahjays: and so the vodka consumption begins