sarah is me.: only the beginning of the snow
sarah is me.: our baby mama
sarah is me.: flat kelly + real kelly + samba
sarah is me.: jess's fantastical festive jello-molded-light-show
sarah is me.: aminals
sarah is me.: delicious strata by amy
sarah is me.: the spread
sarah is me.: more of the spread. and the cheeseball spread.
sarah is me.: baby cake
sarah is me.: kelly + amy's delicious cookies
sarah is me.: cookie close-up
sarah is me.: going fast!
sarah is me.: amy cuts the cake
sarah is me.: yummers. again.
sarah is me.: time is passing
sarah is me.: flat kelly is watching you
sarah is me.: still watching you
sarah is me.: our host, amy!
sarah is me.: videographer michele
sarah is me.: baby party guests
sarah is me.: opening treats
sarah is me.: now, flat kelly is watching miss julie
sarah is me.: we went back for seconds! or, was it thirds?